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Two explorers were deep in a South American jungle known for a reclusive band of dangerous Cannibals. Many explorers had tried to study this reclusive tribe, but very few had returned with any real information.

Suddenly one night, they were captured by members of this dangerous tribe. They were beaten, stripped of their clothes and tied to stakes for three days.

Finally, they were brought before the tribal elders. Surprisingly, the tribal elders spoke English...

They had learned from those captured before. The tribal elders explained that is was a crime to trespass on their land. It was explained that a white man had once brought disease that killed 90% of the tribe. Now all outsiders were condemned to one of two sentences: Death or at least Qxapoiu.

The first explorer was made to stand... The tribal chief demanded "Which shall it be: Death or Qxapoiu?" The explorer didn't know what Qxapoiu was, but decided that it must be better than death. He chose Qxapoiu.

The second explorer watched in horror as the ceremony of Qxapoiu was carried out. First, tiny cuts were made all over the explorers body and he was then dipped in a huge vat of vinegar... He was then forced to eat live maggots... One torture after another quickly proceeded... All of the other tortures were so vile, disgusting, and painful that they can not be described here, but the explorer lived.

The second explorer was so horrified that when it came his turn and the tribal chief demanded "Death or Qxapoiu" that he answered "Death." As everyone gasped, the tribal chief said "Very well; Death by Qxapoiu!"

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