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Help Push

A loud pounding on the door at 3 in the morning wakens a man and his wife. 
The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger is standing in the pouring 
rain asking for a push. 

'Not a chance', says the man , 'its 3 in the morning' He slams the door and returns to bed. 

'Who was that?' , asked his wife. 

'Just some drunk asking for a push' he answers. 
'Did you help him?' she asks 
'No, I did not', he replies, 'its 3 in the morning'. 
She remonstrates with him reminding him when two men helped them push  their car. 
'Go and help him', she orders. 
The man gets dressed , goes downstairs into the pouring of rain. 
'Are you there ?' he shouts out into the darkness and rain. 
'Yes' comes back the answer 
'Do you still need a push?' calls out the husband 
'Yes please' comes the reply. 
'Where are you? shouts the husband 
'Im on the swing' replies the drunk

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