the bar at the top of the Empire State Building there are two men sitting together.
Guy #1 says to Guy #2, "I bet you that I can jump out of that window over
there and come up those stairs in just 2 seconds."
#2 doesn't believe him so he says, "I'd like to see you try!" Then
Guy #1 jumps out the window and appears at the top of the stairs in just under
2 seconds. Guy #2 is flabbergasted.
#1 then bets that he can jump out the window and come up the stairs with a beautiful
woman in his arms. Guy #2 says, "That's impossible!" .
#1 says, "You just watch." He does it and Guy #2 is really impressed
but thinks: "Hey, this guy is really drunk so if he can do it, so can I."
decides to try to show up this other guy and he jumps out the window. He splats
himself all over the sidewalk.
#1 watches him plummet to his messy death, laughs to himself at his own triumph,
and walks back to the bar and resumes his seat. The bartender says, "Superman,
you're really a jerk when you're drunk!"